Carly Kuhn

Carly Kuhn

artist, "the cartoralist" 
What do you love about your job?
There are a lot of things I love about my job, and that in itself is pretty incredible. I love that I get to create every day. I feel so fortunate that this unexpected path as an artist has led me to a world of possibilities.
What would you like the next generation of girls to know?
Everyone you look up to/idolize has ups and downs, feelings of insecurity, and is constantly figuring it all one ever has it all together. Remember that. All those things make you human.
What did you want to be growing up?
I grew up in New York City- so fittingly- I wanted to either star on Broadway or Saturday Night Live.

Words of Wisdom

"The world needs more love... there's a reason it's a cliche, because it will always be true". 

more about me... 

my current girlcrush is...
Gal Gadot. Aka Wonder Woman. 
the best piece of advice i've ever received was... 
Stop comparing yourself to others, especially on social media, because what is true for one person's story isn't necessarily authentic to yours. People want to connect with YOU, not a combination of you and other people. 
my definition of success is... 
Being happy with yourself and what you're doing. 

"Every day is filled with new and exciting opportunities and projects. I get to connect with and meet insanely talented and rad individuals."

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