Denequa Williams

Denequa Williams

founder of LIT Brooklyn
What inspired you to start 
LIT Brooklyn?
Simply my love for candles inspired me to start up 
LIT Brooklyn. 
What is the most rewarding part 
about your job?
The impact that I get to make, the people that I get to inspire, and the people who use a product I created as a part of their self-care routine.
What does the world need 
more of?
We need a lot more support, more people being vocal, unafraid and unapologetic. 
"Girls should know that anything they want in this world already belongs to them, they just have to work for it. All dreams and ideas are valid with discipline and perseverance."
photo by striver's row

more about me... 

my favorite LIT Brooklyn scent is...
HOME. This scent actually happened by accident, it was like the perfect accident, and that's why I love it so much. The combination of the vanilla and lemon is just absolutely magical.
i've always wanted to travel to...
Maldives, Machu Picchu, Madagascar. Triple M's!
my hobbies include...
writing, talking, cooking, and I enjoy listening to music. I would choose that over television any day.

LIT Brooklyn's 100% soy candles are hand-poured
 by Denequa right in Brookyln

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