Emily Motayed

Emily Motayed

Co-Founder of Havenly,  an online interior-design company
What do you love about your job?
 What I love the most is that each day is different - there's always different problems to solve! I also think there's something very special about being a part of a passionate team that's working toward a common goal.
What's your definition of success? 
Being fulfilled and having a sense of purpose that permeates through what you do on a daily basis - matching up purpose and your day job is the ultimate barometer of success. 
Who's your current girlcrush? 
Since the Emmys were on, probably Jane Fonda. 
She is the ultimate female to look up to. 

The Best Piece of Advice I've Ever Received... 

"To stop being so hard on myself - we learn from a young age to be kind to others, but we often forget to be kind to ourselves - especially when things don't necessarily go the way that we have planned."
Some of her Projects

more about me... 

when i was little... 
I wanted to be some sort of a chef! Maybe that'll be my next career in a few years :)
my biggest female role model growing up was... 
Diane von Furstenberg - brilliant, creative, confident, and stylish - as well as someone who has built an enduring brand.
the world needs more of...
Kindness - the secret to most all relationships is simply kindness, and the world can do with a lot more of it nowadays.
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