Mo'ne Davis

Mo'ne Davis

Athlete, Little League Baseball World Series 2014
TIME Magazine's FIRSTS: Women Who Are Changing the World
Who inspired you to become an 
elite athlete?
My brother would be the person who inspired me to be an elite athlete. When I was younger I would always play with him and we were very competitive with each other. I would always practice so he wouldn't beat me. He comes to a lot of my games and he always gives me tips to become a better player and person!
What has been your greatest reward?
My greatest reward would be winning an Espy for Best Breakthrough Athlete and being one of Time Magazine's First Women. At first I didn't know it was a big deal, and now I look back, and being 14 years old winning that award was one of the best moments in my life. 
What are some of your hobbies?
When I get down time from sports I like to shop, hang out with my friends, watch women's soccer, and sleep! 

"If I didn't get opportunities, I wouldn't be where I am right now. 
That's why I want to give girls opportunities that they don't have. Every girl deserves a chance to show off her talent."

photo by TIME Magazine

more about me... 

my dream is to...
Become a professional women's basketball player. 
a fun fact about me is... 
That I wrote a book! It's called, "Remember My Name: My Story from First Pitch to Game Changer." I wrote it about my journey during the Little League World Series in 2014. 
being in TIME Magazine...
Has made me work harder. Being in that magazine along with other inspiring women was just amazing. Being able to read their stories and see what they accomplished has pushed me further. 
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