Nancy Lublin

Nancy Lublin

Founder & CEO, Crisis Text Line

Making the world 
a greater place…

Back in 1995 Nancy launched Dress For Success, an organization that provides women with suits for job interviews and career training in more than 114 cities in 12 countries…

Later, as CEO of the nonprofit 
Do Something Inc., she mobilized youth to participate in social action programs, helping 5.5 million young people make positive changes in our world…

Crisis Text Line

Now, as Founder and CEO of 
Crisis Text Line, she’s created the 
first 24/7 free nationwide text line for teens, connecting those in need with trained Crisis Counselors.

Education in Excellence...

Nancy graduated from Brown University, Oxford University as a Marshall Scholar, and New York University School of Law.

Gaining the world's attention...

Nancy has been named one of Fortune’s “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders,” Marie Claire's "20 Women Changing the World,” World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader and one of Glamour Magazine’s Women of Worth.

In her own words...

"I'm an entrepreneur to my core. I get bored. I'm always
 pushing to be better, be bigger."

more about me... 

growing up, i wanted to be....
CEO of Disney. I literally wrote one of my college essays on this dream!
the best piece of advice i've ever received was..
"Someone else doesn't have to lose for you to win."
i made "crisis text line" because...
Texting is incredibly effective and immediate. I want to let kids and teens know they're not alone.
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