Heide & Emily

Heide Iravani & Emily Clifford

co-founders of Piccolina

Piccolina is for little ones who dream... 

Piccolina is a lifestyle brand dedicated to empowering today's young girls to become tomorrow's trailblazers and problem solvers.

Every product (especially the Trailblazer Tees collection)  lets girls know from the time they are toddlers that there is no limit on what is interesting, aspirational or achievable in life!
Q&A w/ Heide + Emily
Why did you create Piccolina?
H: I got the idea because of my struggle to find clothes for my young daughter. I consistently felt compelled to shop for my daughter in the boys’ section. I realized that it was because most kids’ clothes and products on the market incorporate gender stereotypes that discourage girls from being brave, curious, and scientifically-minded. I wanted a better alternative not just for my own daughter, but for girls (and kids) everywhere!

What's been your proudest career moment?
E: Being part of the founding team responsible for bringing to life a brand that has the ability to shape people’s futures.

H: I am proudest of the fact that I have taken action to live the life I want to live and to shape the world I want to live in. The biggest manifestation of that has been my decision to step off the lucrative beaten path I was on and found my own company...despite being pregnant with my third child (and having two other small children at home to care for). It has always been important to show my kids that success takes hard work and determination. 
What's the best piece of advice you've received? 
E: Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from pursuing something you care about. No matter what, don’t lose sight of your own standards and principles.
H: Think of how you spend your time in terms of moving rocks, pebbles and sand into a jar. The metaphor here is that if you start with putting sand into the jar, you will not have room for rocks or pebbles. In life, if you spend all of your time on the insignificant things, you will run out of room for the things that are actually important. This metaphor has helped me keep my eye on the big picture.

"I am proudest of the fact that I have taken action to shape

the world that I want to live in."

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